Monday, December 2, 2013


Perhaps the most interesting piece of technology on the Nighthawk that paved the way for its use in future military and commercial aircraft were the composite dual vertical tail fins. Made of a thermoplastic graphite material, Maloney says this was the first use of a composite for a primary aircraft structure. As mentioned, this enabled the Nighthawk to have a lighter tail section which assisted in moving the aircraft's center of gravity forward, always preferred due to better maneuverability. Composite materials were found to further decrease the Nighthawk's radar signature over traditional metals used in prior aircraft, likely due to the nature of heat conduction with air friction being lower in comparison to metal. All of the aircraft's antennae were retractable, and the mid air refueling inlet which allowed the nighthawk to receive fuel without landing (thus increasing its range)  had a door that slides over it to reduce exposure to radio waves. The engine intake was covered with a composite grid panel that provided sufficient airflow while maintaining stealth.

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